Here are the top psychological motives for orgasm simulation:
1. Positive feedback. This is where the motives for ‘faking it’ differ amongst men and women. The most popular reason for faking female orgasm, in this case, is to provide ‘positive feedback’. Or in other words, to ‘be nice’ and convince a partner that they’re doing a great job (even though they’re not). There are many reasons why this seems to be a female-only response—and they range from biological to societal.
2. Sexual boredom. Fake it until it’s over! Boredom in the bedroom is the second most popular reason that both men and women have for faking orgasms. When sex is dull, sometimes it’s easier when things just come to an end.
3. Enhanced enjoyment. This seems to be where the quasi-pretending or “fake it ’til you make it” mentality comes into play. Simulating satisfaction to arouse one’s partner can sometimes lead to a more enjoyable experience for all…a little bit of play-acting can never hurt, right?
4. Conflict avoidance. For men, this is the most popular reason for faking orgasm. Conflict avoidance or to avoid the unpleasant aftermath of a less-than-optimal lovemaking session. For when it’s easier to side-step conflict and just cuddle instead.